BGD's Soul in Public Display

A bit about me, or something.

Alright, so. Stuff.

(any/all) I'm a chill dinosaur living somewhere doing something.
I like to program, play games, and write music. I proudly run Linux and I do stuff with it. Sometimes.


To start, I write in emacs and MonoDevelop, for non-C# and C# respectively.
The languages I use or are comfortable with are (some of these you may not consider languages but idc):

The languages I would like to get comfortable with, use, or are in progress of doing so:


I play a lot of games but these most often:


So, I have been writing music for a bit over 5 years. My style is basically all over the place, and I write any wild thing that I feel like. I use FL Studio, and to keep with the format I've unintentionally established on this fine web page, here are my favorite VSTS: